wtorek, 27 września 2011

the second part

Sometimes you need to lean over but it doesn't keep everything together don't wanna go somewhere, don't wanna do something or kick him out it's too hard but he doesn't feel the same, does he? you don't know or maybe the true is more complicated than you think...
Sometimes you're sure it doesn't have any sense, you hurt cry you're sad, the second day more than last
what's more you think you love him... ?

and from ' backstage ' 

sobota, 24 września 2011

changes, changes...

i need a lot of changes cause something's going wrong. all what makes me stronger is my reflect camera. need a lot of photos, sessions and photoshop.

and now i'm alone with polish hip hop. do you know how often it happens?

piątek, 23 września 2011

never .

never do the same what i've done cause it kills me. it's too hard when you must wake up and go. without anybody. you must go alone with your strange emotions. sometimes you wanna talk but nobody's going to listen. you go alone and look for this beloved face which gave you a lot of happiness. without him everything is too hard... he's the most important. still the most. tears will be nevermind if he comes back ...

piątek, 9 września 2011

if you...

if you met him tell him i miss him and my world revolves about him. no, i couldn't change my mind. why? understand, he's the most important for me. why do you think i've got affection about footballers? No! you're wrong, the true is i'm only crazy about him ... i don't want nothing than him.
who is he? yes, he's a footballer but this fact only disturbes me. i was proud but now i lean over my life.